Scarlett Johansson, the acclaimed star of “Black Widow,” recently expressed her desire to shield her children from her past smoking habit. During an appearance on “The Drew Barrymore Show,” Johansson candidly shared her feelings of shame regarding her previous smoking experiences and her reluctance to admit it to her 7-year-old daughter, Rose Dorothy.
Johansson, who recently welcomed her second child, Cosmo, with her new husband Colin Jost, emphasized her determination to ensure that her children never perceive smoking as cool. Playfully, she even acknowledged the possibility that explicitly telling her daughter not to smoke might paradoxically pique her curiosity. Johansson’s concerns about smoking align with the broader societal shift towards healthier lifestyles. According to the CDC, the percentage of regular smokers in the United States has decreased to about 12.5% from over 20% in 2005.
Nevertheless, smoking remains the leading cause of preventable disease and death in the country.Johansson is not alone in recognizing the need to quit smoking. Gisele Bundchen, in an interview with “Vogue Australia,” revealed her personal journey to overcome the habit.
Former President Barack Obama also confronted his own smoking habit during his time in the White House, inspired by his daughter Malia’s disapproval.As Johansson’s daughter, Rose, grows older, her curiosity about various aspects of life becomes more evident. In an interview with “InStyle,” Johansson shared some of the amusing and insightful questions her daughter asks, demonstrating her inquisitive nature and desire to understand the world around her.
By openly discussing her past smoking habit and her commitment to protecting her children from its allure, Johansson underscores the importance of promoting healthier choices and setting positive examples.