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Thursday, February 13, 2025

Hazel Krasinski And Her Parents’ Magical Love Story


I don’t know about you guys but I sure am fan of Krasinski family!

It would definitely be a dream come true if I could meet Hazel Krasinski’s legendary and drop-dead gorgeous father John Krasinski and strikingly beautiful and accomplished mother Emily Blunt.

So if you are interested to know about John Krasinski and Emily Blunt’s love story and some insights on their cutest eldest daughter! This article is for you.

Early life of Hazel

Hazel krasinski was born on February 16, 2014 to the hollywood star couple Emily Blunt and John Krasinski.

Like most hollywood couples, the Krasinskis were and still are particularly private about their kids and their personal life. As parents they do the best they can to give their two beautiful daughters as normal upbringing as they can in order to protect them from Public’s eye at-least in their childhood.

However the lead actor of the office, John krasinski made the announcement of Hazel Krasinski’s birth through twitter by himself so that nobody else does the honours.

“Wanted to let the news out directly. Emily and I are so very happy to welcome our daughter hazel today” he tweeted.

Hazel krasinski along with her younger sister Violet Krasinski who is 2 years younger than her lives in Brooklyn with her parents. As of now hazel is 8 years old. Violet came into their lives in mid june. John himself broke this news, only this time, he let the world know of his daughter’s arrival 2 weeks later on 4th of july.

The couple makes sure that their kids are in no way exposed to the fame their Parents have. In fact, in one of her interviews, last year with Sunday times Emily Blunt said she would be thrilled if her “children remained oblivious” to their Parents status.

Some tidbits and insights about Hazel Krasinski

Well, we do love the couple. Their individual personalities are just incredible and heartwarming. So hearing them talk is definitely a good way to spend some lesuire time.

Anyway, so in one of the interviews with Ellen, John talked about how hazel being 5 year old (at the time) makes him laugh. “Making me laugh.. she is so funny” John rejoiced, when Ellen asked him what is Hazel is doing these days.

Well if you don’t know Hazel having this witty side to her personality is definitely because of her Parents. Both John and Emily have a sense humour of a comedian.

The actor went on and told this cute little story about how he was planning a photo wall for their house, he had all the frames with temporary stock family photos in them, set up on floor for a layout. Seeing that hazel came up to his shoulder and asked

“Daddy what are you doing?” To which John told her that he is building a photo wall for mom and dad’s 10th anniversary.

And hazel in  all seriousness asked him “good but don’t you think you should put up our pictures in it?”. Its hilarious! In all her innocence she was genuinely worried about her father making a ‘mistake’ when she saw those stock photos of strangers in the frames.

Both john and Emily are very thoughtful Parents like any other normal parents should be. They not only give them life’s greatest blessings and spoil them with luxuries but most importantly they take care of their character up building.

In one of her shows Emily sincerely emphasised on how she thinks building empathy and teaching both her daughters the beauty of differences in this world and how important it is to accept differences among people and not tease them for it.

On another occasion while he was promoting sequel of his internationally acclaimed movie The quiet place John Krasinski also mentioned how he lets hazel and violet decide whatever they want to do to spend time with him. He recalled that not so long ago him and Hazel were finger weaving scarfs together.

Here’s one thing Hazel Krasinski is not good at.

Hazel is one witty, cutest and smart kid but turns out she is also worst at keeping surprises. Well most kids are.

But in between these two Emily told the interviewer during the premiere of their modern horror and thriller movie The quiet Place, how “especially the eldest one” is terrible at keeping surprises, so on mother’s day she would bust all the surprises planned for Emily by telling her exactly what she or her best friend (her dad) got for mommy.

Karsinski family and net worth of John Krasinski and Emily Krasinski

John krasinski is and American actor, Producer, director, screen writer,  a wonderful husband and even greater Father. His middle name is Burke, John Burke Krasinski. Blessed this world with his existence on October 20, 1979. Which makes him a libra. He has two elder brother, making him the youngest of 3 sons his parents have. His mother, nurse Mary clare who is of irish descent and his father was of polish background.

He married Emily blunt in 2010 and has two beautiful daughters with her. But more on that later..

Lets first talk about John who is not only known for his chivalrous and gentlemanly looks but also for his iconic role as Jim Halpert in one of the most popular American sitcom and also a remake of British version of the sitcom. For which he won screen actor guild award in 2008.

After graduating from the brown university he went on to study acting in the Shakespeare company in England and the Actors Center in New York.

Although he had started walking on path of acting from his school and college times but he properly started working when he joined The National Theatre institute.

His career began as script writer on a comedy show called late nights with Conan O’Brien in early 2000s. Moving forward, he shifted to New York in order to pursue acting and began working in commercials while supporting himself through waitering in Restaurants.

Finally, the man got his breakthrough in 2004 when he starred as Nim halpert in one of the best sitcoms, called The office by NBC.

Interestingly enough, the office was also probably the reason he met his soulmate, Emily Blunt. Somebody should tell him that he is one hell of a fortunate man. He also co directed and produced some of the episodes in later seasons.

After taking on the character of Jim Halpert and undoubtedly winning at it

He starred in many movies. A new wave, Smiley face, license to wed, Nobody walks, letterheads, the Hollars, the iconic movie Jack Ryan and much more.

Krasinski also, auditioned for the role of Marvel superhero Captain America before it was offered to Chris Evans. He confirmed on the Ellen show. “I acted out my heart that day, but it didn’t work out”

But like we said the Man is fortunate and hardworking, so this year in 2022 he and Emily Blunt have been chosen as Marvel superheroes called Fantastic 4. How great is that?!

He also Appeared in Doctor Strange the multiverse of madness 2022, Portraying Reed Richards, Mr fantastic. That’s huge.

If we are still talking about The actor’s accomplishments how can we miss his very own self Directed movie The Quiet Place series. In which he has a lead role along with his brilliant and mad Talented wife Emily. This was the first collaboration they had.  The movie has been internationally recognised and a box office hit earning over 340 Million.

When asked about his working experience with His wife, John said “it was the greatest collaboration of his life” he went on saying “when you see her working in the room, it changes the air”

According to some resources John Krasinki’s net worth is around $80 million.

John Krasinski’s age is 42 years old and is a recipient of 4 prime time Emmy award nominations and 2 Screen Actor Guild Awards.

Well we can keep on going about him and his Versatile career but for now lets talk about Hazel Krasinski’s mother.

All About Emily Blunt

Emily Olivia Leah Blunt is a highly recognized and respected British actress and a wonderful mother who was born 23rd February 1983. Recently, in 2020 Forbes Ranked her one of the highest paid actresses in the world.

Her mother was a former actress and teacher and father and Hazel’s maternal grandfather was a barrister, Oliver Blunt. Emily belongs to a respected family of England. She has 3 siblings, Felicity, Sebastian and Susannah. One of the sisters is to married to Stanley Tucci.

You may know her as Emily of Devil Wears Prada which earned her a nomination for the BAFTA Award for Best Actress in a supporting role.

Blunt made her first debut in Peter Hall’s Production of the play the royal family. For her first debut Emily was even named as “best newcomer” by  the evening standard.

Her career kept growing due to her talent and work as leads  in the period film The young Victoria, Salmon Fishing in the Yemen, The Adjustment Bureau, looper, Edge of tomorrow, into the woods and Marry poppins Return.

She also played a role of an alcoholic in the movie girl on train which was critically acclaimed. Her magnificent and superbly amazing acting in Quiet place 1 earned her Screen Actors guild award for best supporting actress.

If you want to see how amazing of an actress she is, you should definitely watch The quiet place series, where she plays the role of a mother who is doing her best to protect her family and survive the attack of some wild and unnatural creatures. It’s the best thriller we have watched in recent years!

In fact, in quiet Place 2 you will see Emily performing all the driving stunts herself. Her husband John, talked about how Emily had to drive a car for a scene where a bus was about to over run her at the speed of 40 m/hour. That scene alone was a prove that Emily along with being a great actress is also a “a great stunt driver” exclaimed John.

Emily’s Net Worth is $35 Million

How did the couple meet

This story is so basic yet so wholesome that when you think about it you will definitely think that these two were meant to be.

If you haven’t already heard about how they met, let me tell you.

One fine evening, John was having dinner at a restaurant with his friend. Much to his surprise, his and Emily’s mutual friend was also having dinner at the same restaurant with Emily.

Their mutual friend, gray, noticed John sitting across, John went over to their table and said Hi. Gray, introduced the two actors, at the time John had already made his break-though in hollywood by playing Jim halpert. And Emily was the great British actress already.

This is how Emily explained the first meet up “He just stood their and made me laugh” well, A man with good sense of humour can win hearts that’s for sure.

But for John? Well he was meeting his big celebrity crush for the first time. In one of his interviews when asked how many times he has watched devil wears prada? He replied “i mean give or take 72 times”.

And even Emily was fan of The office but the British version of the show. After meeting john she binged watched The American version, in which she saw John doing a fine job being Jim Halpert. I mean??? How often does that happen? Doesn’t this sound like destiny to you? A match made in heaven?

. So for john, he contained all his nerd fan side and shook hands with Emily. Which he explains as “I contained my Nerd side, showed a masculine me and shook hands with her, it was then and there I felt everything I needed to feel for her”

In fact, Emily told an interviewer, that how Jim flew 6000 miles just to see Emily’s movie Premiere very early on dating, and that move blew her away. That was when he won hearts of Emily’s mother as well. That’s when Emily knew he is a keeper.

These are the stories that will make you believe in love.

Emily Blunt and John Krasinski got Married in 2010 in Italy. They now have two beautiful daughters, Hazel Krasinski ( 8 years old) Violet Krasinski (6 years old)

Hazel Krasinski has great Parents who care for her, and provide her the best care. In fact, John Krasinski also told several times in media that the Quiet place is a love letter to his kids. He wants them to be resilient, independent, survivors and some who can “light a candle” in dark.

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